Pr. Othmane Benmoussa tackles the notion of crisis management in organizations in times of uncertainty


Middle managers have a vital role within an organization: they must both reconcile the well-being of their employees and implement the strategic vision of the company. A delicate mission that becomes more complicated in times of uncertainty. Indeed, crises will see multiple challenges arise in the work environment; conflicts, lack of transparency and unforeseen events can generate confusion and undermine the internal balance. Middle managers find themselves on the front line to manage these situations. Between the strategic vision of Top Management and the expectations of employees, middle managers must demonstrate great tact and discernment in order to mitigate the impact of these uncertainties.  

Pr. Othmane Benmoussa, through his column on Média 24, detailed this problem very well by analyzing it from several angles and highlighting certain resolutions, the result of in-depth studies on the subject. 

⤵️ To read the entire article by Professor Othmane Benmoussa, follow this link
