MANAGEMENT OF COVID-19: Contributions of modeling and digital simulation to aid decision-making


The analysis of a pandemic as complex as COVID 19 requires the contribution of several scientific and social disciplines:

  • Knowledge of the theme itself (epidemiological sciences, medicine, biology, virology, etc.);
  • Biomedical technology for analyses, taking measurements, radiology and scanners, etc.;
  • In-depth examination of the probable origins of propagation (human interactions, distances, aerosol, etc.);
  • Information and telecommunications technologies (sensors, GPS, Drones, etc.) for the collection and acquisition of spatial data of the various parameters involved;
  • Organization and in-depth analysis of data, data sciences (big data and artificial intelligence);
  • Scientific and numerical modeling as well as simulation for the possibilities of prediction and analysis of decision support strategies;
  • The analysis, optimization and control of implementation strategies, infrastructure deployment, governance and government policy aggravated by factors that will not be discussed here.

As part of this intervention, taking into account our disciplinary specialties, we would like to contribute by discussing the interest of models for aiding understanding, propagation, and aiding decision-making in terms of optimization strategies and control of COVID 19, and their potential danger if misused or misinterpreted despite models being at the heart of science.

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