National scientific conference: Politics and digital: collision or collusion?

Congresses and conferences

Under the theme of “Politics and digital: collision or collusion? », the Euromed Institute of Legal and Political Sciences (IESJP) organized an event as part of a national scientific conference which was held at the Eco-campus of the Euromed University of Fez, on December 19.

The conference aims to provide a cross-section of perspectives from a plurality of stakeholders involved, through their actions or advocacy such as technological innovation and support for active digital citizenship. It also tends to understand how digital technology contributes to reshaping the relationships between those who govern and those who are governed, to a transformation of the traditional conception of the State and its modes of intervention (regulation).

Initiated by the speech of the Director of the IESJP, Pr. Abderrahmane HADDAD, and in the presence of several experts in the field of law, politics, education and sociology, the conference took place in four sharing sessions and fruitful debate.

The first session focused on communication issues in the era of digitalization in the political context, moving from journalism to communication and political marketing. The second session focused on the impact of digital technology on democratic renewal, through participatory democracy and the political engagement of young Moroccans. Politics challenged by globalized digital issues was the subject of the third session of this event, the panel explored the latest advances in law which have emerged with the need for data protection and the emergence of GAFAM . The fourth and final session focused on the governance of public policies in this new age of digitalization of public administration and contracts, thus the experts shed light on the impact of digitalization on user reassurance, the confidence of foreign investors and on the acquisition of social capital and the development of entrepreneurship.

Challenged by these deep and intrinsically linked dynamics between digital and politics, the researchers explored during this meeting the different facets of this major problem which occupies more public and private spheres. It was a real opportunity for constructive exchanges and informed debates between experts, university teacher-researchers and students.
